
UkeCanPlay Review

The song must be a previously unpublished work – preferably written for this contest.
All content must be your original work. Covers, and derivative won’t cut it.
In the beginning of each entry, you must clearly state (audio or text is fine) “This is my entry into the 2010 “BringtheSong.org Original Song Video Contest – Thanks Mainland Ukes!”
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Second Prize will be drawn live during the award ceremony for the announcement of the Grande Prize winner. Any valid entry will be eligible for second prize and the selection will be random – anyone can win.
Grand Prize nominations will begin on Nov 1st 2010 and will be open to all members at bringthesong.org. Each member will be asked to nominate a favorite song for the final voting.
Final voting will also be open to all members of bringthesong.org and any entry that receives at least one nomination will be in the running for the grande prize vote.
Many of us early members of BtS are uke players, and the contest is sponsored by Mainland ukuleles,, but this is an original song contest – songs can use any instrumentation, or none at all – nothing is off limits and uke songs will not have any particular advantage.
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Absolutely – instrumental, a cappella, pots and pans, industrial machines, whatever you like. As long as it’s your original work, send it in!
Be aware though – we only have one of each of the prizes. That means in the event you and your collaborators win something, you’ll have to work out who gets the prize. We’re just a little not-for-profit collective, so for now, it’s one prize only.
Nope – the submission must be in the form of a video, but the visual content is entirely up to you. It can be a simple black screen if you wish. Be aware that winners of the grande prize will be chosen by popular vote, so a catchy video can really help, but it’s not required.
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