
Lifestyle Conseil Review

Just how do we "get" high cholesterol? Why is high cholesterol reason for such concern? Cholesterol is something the body produces and it’s not all bad. Learning to recognize what good cholesterol levels are and how to control it is essential to protecting the arteries and preventing heart attack or stroke.
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Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver. It is essential to every cell in the body. Cholesterol also enters the body through the saturated fats we consume in certain foods.

There are two basic types of cholesterol. One is considered "good" the other "bad." The bad cholesterol is called Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). A blood test that reveals bad cholesterol below 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) is considered good. The good cholesterol is the High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). It works to cleanse the blood vessels of excess LDL cholesterol, so a higher number, anything above 40 mg/dL is desirable. Overall or total cholesterol should be below 200 mg/dL for optimal health.
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Prescription drugs are commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol. One effective and popular class of drugs is called statin drugs. These medications do work to lower overall cholesterol, but carry with them a number of side effects, some serious. Such negative side effects can be nausea or vomiting, headache or diarrhea. There is also the risk of muscle weakness or soreness, which is an indication of possible kidney failure.

To lower cholesterol naturally, diet and exercise are imperative. A low fat, low cholesterol diet containing specific vitamins and minerals can significantly lower LDL cholesterol. This is true whether your cholesterol is the result of poor diet choices or hereditary. In addition, exercise can raise HDL cholesterol so that your body is better equipped to remove excess LDL cholesterol.
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