
14 Day Eczema Cure Review

The truth is, severe eczema sufferers experience a lot more pain and devastation. Their skin are so sensitive... so sensitive that even drying off after a shower can become a very difficult task since the skin is very thin and bleeding can occur. Aside from that, severe eczema suffers tend to scratch very often which causes the upper layer of the skin to tear off leaving a scabbed and ugly look.
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The first time my mom took me to the dermatologist, she was told that she should ensure that my skin is always moisturized. The doctor recommended cetaphil which is a special kind of lotion to use on my skin because my skin was very sensitive and regular lotions could cause my eczema to get worse. The doctor also prescribed a creme known as 'Advantan' to apply to my eczema twice per day. This helped with the itching and clearing of my eczema to some extent at first but after using the creme for some time, my skin became too accustomed to it and it no longer had an effect on my eczema.
To make a long story short, this continued several times over with the same results. I get a creme, it work for some time and then my body gets accustomed to it and so I have to change to another.
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After going through several different types of crèmes and medications, I quickly realized that all they did was to treat the symptoms of my eczema. That's right, they were just temporary solutions. Some of them simply didn't have any effect what so ever on my eczema.
After I graduated from high school, my quest for an ‘Eczema Solution’ began. After feeling sorry for myself, I realized that was putting me nowhere. In fact I was getting older and I could not live with the eczema for the rest of my life. At this time I was in my first year at University so I started doing some research. I was literally experimenting on my body; I decided I would not stop until I found a real eczema solution.
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