
Evidence Eraser Free

Every move you make on your computer, including all of your email and Internet activity, is being recorded whether you realize it or not.
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Some people have been fired, divorced and even sent to jail because of the things other people have found on their computer hard drives. There’s no reason for this to happen to you when you can simply destroy any sensitive information with our comprehensive evidence-erasing program.
Evidence Eraser will allow you to completely remove all traces of questionable activity from your system. Formatting your hard drive or simply overwriting the files isn’t going to get rid of the data for good. You need a program that completely removes all traces of your computer activity. You need a program that meets the standards of the U.S. Department of Defense. You need Evidence Eraser. No computer user should be without it.
Whether you use Internet Explorer, Firefox, AOL, Netscape, Mozilla or MSN Explorer, you will be able to benefit from the features and protection offered by Evidence Eraser.
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Evidence Eraser was designed to be user-friendly and even the most inexperienced computer users can quickly learn to operate the Evidence Eraser interface.
You can delete everything mentioned above and someone could easily get it back with a simple file restoration program. If you really want to destroy evidence of your computer activities, you need Evidence Eraser.
Simply register for Evidence Eraser and you’ll be able to use the program to get rid of any files you need to destroy.
Evidence Eraser meets the standards set by the U.S. Department of Defense for disk sanitization. If our technology is good enough to get rid of sensitive information for the Department of Defense, you can be sure it’ll get rid of everything you need it.
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